Friday, January 27, 2012

31 weeks!

Well I said I wouldnt post any more pictures but I may want to have them one day, so here I am in all my giganticness. Im 31 weeks and counting everyday. This little dude just doesnt want to stay in there. As of yesterday I had no futher change in my cervix. Though I have still continue to have contractions. They gave me a prescription to take at home 2x a day until feb. 18th. Well, they help for a couple hours but I still get alot of them, especially if I have to get up and do anything, even if its just go to the bathroom or change clothes. I tried to explain this to the doctor yesterday, they put me on this little monitor at the office and made me lie perfectly still...well that does nothing. I have mild light things going on but no full on contractions unless I move. Of course the second the nurse took the paper off the monitor to go show the doctor, I randomly had a huge one registering like 90ish on the machine. She came back and was like WOW that was a big one, but didnt want to bother the doctor again so apparently no big deal. Then like I told her as soon as she took me off the monitor and made me get up and move around I had two before I ever left the office. They made me feel like the little boy who cried wolf. I swear Im having them...all day long..just not when you check for 10minutes.  Oh well I guess ill continue on as long as I can. I have another ultrasound next thursday so we will see how big he has gotten, because after feb 18th we are on our own. They wont stop him from coming, he will be right at 34 weeks.

I also got my hair cut in the front a little. Needed a change one morning...

He feels like he weights about 10 pound already...though I didnt gain any weight since my last appointment I am still at total weight gain of 16 pounds. He is still head down and ready to go...




You are all baby!! And he does look like he will be a big one! Hang in there and Bradleys birthday is the 19th. Maybe right when you are done with the meds he will make his grand entrance!

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