Monday, January 23, 2012

Jordans 5th Birthday!!

Little Jordan Elizabeth turned 5 years old on the 16th!!! Cant believe how big she is!!! Time has flown by!! I am so happy to be her mommy, she has made my life so much better! I wouldnt change a thing! Im so proud of her and she is such a smart little girl and so excited to finally start school!! I cant believe she is almost big enough to be in school!! She has a big mind of her own and she is so outgoing! I know she will do well and grown into a beautiful big girl! I cant wait to see what this year has in store for her!
Jordan right after delivery on her birth-day! She wasnt due until Feb 16th...but she decided Jan 16th would be a better arrival date!

Jordans 1st birthday!! She was already walking around and getting into everything!

Jordans 2nd birthday!! Such a big girl!! She had the sweetest little curls. She was always such a happy little girl!

Jordans 3rd Birthday party. She grew a lot that year, went from the baby stage up to looking like a big kid!

Jordans 4th Birthday party...she ate way too much cake! haha She had a blast with her friends!!

This year she wanted a ballerina theme. So I made her a sweet little tutu for her party! She loved it!

 Jordans 5th Birthday party!!!...she is turning into such a girlie girl now.

Posing, as usual!

Grandpa Bernie

Jordans little friends Bradley and Sophia!

Ben!! cant believe how big he is getting too!! Few more months and he will be three!

My friend Emilys littlest one, Easton. He is such a sweet happy baby! So cute!

Jordan blowing out her candle...ignore this went horribly wrong this year haha.

After all the kids finished their cake and ice cream, we find Jordan diving into the bucket of chocolate! Go figure...shes my chocohaulic.

She has gotten into the barbie craze already. She got so many great barbies for her birthday. She plays with them every night!

Not sure if this is clark or carson...but he thoroghly enjoyed the cake and ice cream...all the way up to his hair. haha

The mommies! Emily, Liz, and Elena! All such sweet ladies! :)

My other party people who ducked out of all of our husband, brother and jack (dereks little brother)..Ill have to make it a point to take their pictures next year!

Jordan had such a wonderful time! She is probably the  most excited 5 year old. She is so thrilled to be 5 and tells everyone she sees. She cant wait to go to school and grow up on me. She is working on it as fast as she can. I need to take more pictures because its all I will have left of my little pre-schooler...she will soon be my big kid Jordan too soon! And a big sister! Next year she will have a cute little brother to share all of her birthday cake with!!!  Thanks to everyone who made it out to her party, you all are awesome!



We were so happy to be a part of her special day! I am glad to hear she is loving all her new barbies. I love all the kids faces when she was sitting in front of her cake. Very sweet!

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