Thursday, January 12, 2012

29 Weeks!

Well I figured I would go ahead and update this week's while I had a second. So alot has happend this week. I had an ultrasound Jan 11th. The doctor felt that I was measuring big and had alot of fluid last week at my appointment so he ordered a ultrasound. At the ultrasound, we found out that baby is perfectly healthy and jumping all around, but seems to be ahead of schedule. I was 28weeks and 6 days and baby was measuring about 30 1/2 weeks. Eek!! He was roughly 3 pounds 5oz already!!! He should be right at 3 for his gest. age. He isnt measuring THAT much ahead but we will see how it goes. They scheduled another ultrasound for the begining of Feb to make sure he isnt growing too fast. I also had a smidge too much fluid still so they want to monitor that to make sure that my level doesnt increase anymore.

He is suppose to be in this 7month range from 29 weeks to 32. Notice he is already on the high side of the estimate for the month. I am hoping his little growth spurt slows down a bit for the next few weeks, though i dont anticipate it. I find it so funny he has gotten so big so fast. I have only gained about 17 pounds so far..and I passed my glucose test, so I dont have gest. diabetes. I guess he is just going to be a chunky boy.  
Look at that face!! Even if he breaks my pelvis coming out, he is just too cute already! haha (praying for no injuries though) The doctor said if he gets to be bigger than they like, they will probably induce me. Such a crazy thought to me since I battled preterm labor for the whole 3rd trimester with Jordan. I only made it to 34 1/2 weeks with her. I have to say the way things are looking I would love for him to be a couple weeks early! (and healthy, of course)

Only other thing new that has started happening the last week or so is I started getting Braxton Hicks (practice contractions). I literally have them several times a day. Some days are worse than others but overall its just suppose to be my body practicing for the real thing. Little man is already head down and ready to go so hopefully they stay at the practice level for a few more weeks. Other than feeling like a total whale already, not much more to report on this week. I have my next check up in two weeks so I will see how things are measuring then.



you are getting up there in your weekly number. looking great as always when I see you!

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