Thursday, January 12, 2012

25 Weeks!!

Well I am so insanely late posting this. I swore I wouldnt get behind during the whole pregnancy and look, I am 29 weeks as of thursday. I think since I have so many things to update on besides the pregnancy and I finally have a chance to do that I will lump weeks 25-28 on this post. The last few weeks have FLOWN by. Seems like christmas was simply was a deep breathe in a sea full of long hours at work. For lack of a better excuse, I feel like I dont have enough down time. I worked christmas eve and took christmas and the following day off. It was so nice...but so short lived. Most of the time I can handle the hours, though lately getting home around 8pm every night is really getting to me.

Anyway enough of the complaining...this wraps up the end of the 2nd trimester for me! Horray. Seems like it has flown by at times and others it seems like it has dragged on and on. Though i cant really complain because the second trimester like most of the pregnancy has been a breeze. I am truely blessed that I have overall great pregnancies, no sickness, no swelling, no strange rashes, no stretch marks, a little discomfort but id say that is a fair trade off.

These pictures look the same to me...but hey he is growing.

27 Weeks

I really like whatever website this line of pictures is from. These look alot more like my belly size and how I am carrying my baby.

28 Weeks

I dont know what happened but the end of my 2nd trimester....I got huge and I havent stopped. Some where around 25 weeks the doctor said I was measuring a week and half behind. Well I went back at 28 1/2 weeks and im now measuring 2 weeks ahead? Somehow either the doctors dont see eye to eye or my little peanut had quite a growth spurt.
 Me at 26 Weeks

Me at 26 1/2 weeks

Looks like I am pregnant with a basketball.

Well that is pretty much all I have for the update. Nothing new or exciting happend the end of my 2nd trimester but I was super excited to move into the third! Cant wait for march!!!


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