Wednesday, January 25, 2012

30 weeks!

Wellllll this week started out well and normal. That was quickly changed. I woke up tuesday morning and started getting contractions. Didnt think much of them since I have been getting Braxton Hicks pretty often the last few weeks, almost daily. Well I got to work on tuesday and the contractions had'nt gone away...infact they had gotten more frequent. I was kind of blowing them off because they didnt hurt. However, after about 2 hours at work they were coming pretty regularly. I finally call my mom into work and decided to go to Labor & Delivery, though I was dreading to go just to be turned away. Well, when I got check in and hooked up the contractions were coming pretty regular, that was about noon. They gave me a shot to stop contractions, which worked for a bit, then about an hour later an ultrasound tech came in and did an ultraound and the contractions came back. They then gave me another shot to stop them, again it worked for about an hour-ish.
I decided after the second shot that I was going to be here a while so I told Derek to leave work and meet me up here. So he came and sat with me. while he was on his way the doctor ordered an IV put in for fluids, also a round of steroid shots for the baby's lungs. It took three nurses and 6 tries to get the IV in.....thought I was going to have to lose my cool. Then just in case anyone was wondering the shots to stop contractions burn like someone lit a match to you arm. They suck. And they let a training nurse admister the steroid shot...which also hurts like hell. I think she injected it straight into my nerve because my whole leg has been sore since then. I have one more too go too..UGH
Well after all that fun stuff, the contractions came back...AGAIN. So shot number three was given. About an hour later the doctor came in to talk to me about what I wanted to do. He said that my contractions werent super strong and even though my cervix is 50% thinned out and 2cm dilated, it had remained the same for 4 hours straight. He said I could either spend the night or go home and try to rest before my second dose of steroid shots at 2pm the day. He prescribed a take home pill to take every 4 hours to keep contractions away. Well of course no pharmacy in town had any in stock when I left the hospital. The contractions seemed to of eased up alot so I went home took a shower and went to bed. Other than being super uncomfortable thanks to that shot in my hip, I slept pretty well.

This morning my husbands alarm went off and scared me half to death...and immediately I got a contraction. I got up and moved around and got some water and more contractions came. I knew I would have to go back to L&D...ugh. I decided to have breakfast and a nice cup of coffee and relax a while. For some reason any time I relaxed the contractions died down, then as soon as I got up to grab something, bam...back again! This time they actually were stronger than yesterday...

So I drove myself in and here I am again, in labor & delivery. I came prepared to be bored this time though, with some snacks and my laptop. I got shot number 4 and an extra pill this time to stop contractions. As of right now...12pm they have gone away. Hoping it lasts. I guess ill be here til 2pm either way so I can get my second round of steroid shots for his lungs. The nurses are making it sound like he will definitely be early...we just dont know how early. Hoping for a few more weeks.

 For some reason this is the time frame both my babies have decided to hit the eject button on. Its like everything is peachy then I hit 30 weeks and they think its time to check out. Jordan did this same thing, however sort of the opposite. I was already dilated to 4cm with here. But one shot took care of the contractions and I was able to hold on to her until 34 1/2 weeks. Where as this baby, the contractions just dont want to give up, but luckily I'm only dilated to 2. Hopefully he will at least make it to 34 weeks like his big sister. Keep us in your prayers, because even though he is luckily measuring big, little boys dont do quite as well as little girls do when they make an early appearance.  Im hoping to make several more post before his arrival!



I feel for you girl! I hope he stays put too so like you said he has better chances of being stronger and bigger for a boy!

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