Wednesday, November 30, 2011

22 weeks!!!

22 weeks! Im moving right along, Im a big slacker though because I still didnt take another photo of my belly!!! Im terrible. In my defense though, my laptop isnt working and my dad has it trying to fix it so I have no way to upload my pictures until I get it back. Then ill have a ton of stuff to update on, since we have done some fun stuff the last couple weeks! So, soon you will see the new belly pics! I dont feel like I have changed that much but Im sure I have.
Little man is around a pound and nearly a foot long! His pancreas is now functioning and producing hormones and his inner ear is now developed and he has a sense of balance.

This is how our baby loves to stay. I dont think I have to worry about him being breech, he seems to always have his head down in my pelvis and squishing my bladder!

I finally have gained more than five pounds. I was up to seven a couple days ago, I guess from here on out ill be gaining. Eek! I would like to point out while im thinking about it that none of those wives tales ever EVER follow my pregnancies. I have wanted so much candy lately, especially laffy taffy haha which I have tried to limit myself on. I think I have to have something sweet everyday, normally its jello, which Im still enjoying through the whole pregnancy haha.
Still no stretch marks or really anything to complain about so I feel pretty lucky!!!

Well I dont have much else to update about other than Im super excited. My baby shower is Sunday!!!!!! Whooooo. I cant wait, its going to be so much fun and Jen will be coming down from MD and Im so happy to get to see her and all the other friends and family that is traveling to come! Im stoked! So Ill have some cool pictures to put up next week!!!!


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