Friday, November 25, 2011

21 weeks!

Well, a day late again, but I figured I would go ahead and post a quick little update! It is getting a little busy around the holidays so I am a little lazy when it comes to doing this now haha. Might have something to do with the fact that Im in the middle of the second trimester, not much change. I havent even taked a current picture in several weeks, I dont feel like I have changed enough anyway. Ill get on that this week for the next update though! Im starting to realize that even though it seems like march is far far away the first 21 weeks have really flown by!!! Crazy. Im sure ill be sitting at home with my new little baby and be astonished how fast it all flew by! Im actually getting excited for Labor and all that! :) Starting to get excited to move along and meet him!
I still have only gained 5 or 6 pounds, they say Im in for a growth spurt of weight gain soon though? I guess we will see, Im hoping not to gain too much!

Im thinking our little man is closer to 13oz or 14oz, since he was 10oz at 19weeks. Oh my :) haha

He is getting big and fillling my belly. Its really exciting because the last two weeks or so he has been getting more active and kicking harder. I feel him several times through the day! I forget sometimes that he isnt still tiny floating around in a big bubble, that he actually is already filling up the whole space inside! Our little dude likes to stay upside down and down inside my pelvis...must be a cozy spot. Then he kicks his legs up around my belly button while his head is down inside my hip! Feels like he is going to fall out sometimes! haha

Well I guess thats all I have to say for this week, ill make sure to take a picture for next week though!! Im gettting really excited to be 24 weeks and beyond! (viability week) I think I will feel better, not that I have a reason to worry now, but just the idea that if I went into really early labor they would try to save him if he is 24 weeks or more. So that will be an exciting milestone post! Yay


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