Wednesday, November 2, 2011

18 Weeks!!!

Another week has passed and almost missed it again, but luckily I havent been late yet! We had a busy week at work last week(thankfully) so I was a little too busy to do an update. So here I am the night before Im 19 weeks, just like school work! haha done at the last minute. Here are my 18 week pictures of my big giant tummy haha. I feel like im showing too much too fast, I hope that doesnt mean Im in for stretch marks this time!! eek. Either way im excited to be nearly halfway there!!!! And the most exciting thing the whole pregnancy...Im getting my anatomy ultrasound this friday!!!! YAY! We cant wait to find out if this a lil boy or girl. We are actually planning a little family get together this coming sunday to tell our family the sex of the baby, with a little game, its going to be funnnn!

18 weeks belly! :)

Bare  belly pic!!

My little sweet potato!!!

This picture made me feel alot better about my big tummy! haha makes me feel like Im a little more on track than I thought about. This is about the same size as mine. I love feeling the little one jumping around in there!

Thought this was a cool picture shows the uncomfy organ cramping of pregnancy!!

I will probably make my next post friday even just because Im super excited about finding out what the baby is!!! I will keep you posted :)

We had such an exciting weekend I was able to get some fun pictures to post!! Derek and I went to the Panthers vs. Vikings game on sunday and had a great time!! It was so fun!! Since we arent really close fans of either team we didnt mind who won. The vikings beat the panthers at the end of the game. It was a close game!

Then monday we had halloween, we all went with Tom and Mollie and the boys around southern pines, even though halloween was terribly cold here!!! We still had fun and got lots of candy. Jordan was dorothy and Ben was papa smurf! They were so cute.

My sweet little dorothy, we had to add to her costume to keep her little arms and legs cold. Still cute.

Dorothy and Papa smurf with uncle "tunk" as Jordan calls him haha

The twins were smurfs too, mollie picked a good year to do these outfits because of the chilly weather.

We took Doby with us too. He did not like Jordan leaving us to go knock on doors with uncle tunk. He likes to keep an eye on her. So sweet :)

Jordan and Ben with their loot! Despite the freezing cold weather these too had a blast and wanted to keep trick or treating! Cant wait to see what they will want to be next year!



I have to admit, the "little sweet potato" looks like a brain. That's what I thought it was when I looked at it LOL I'M SO EXCITED FOR FRIDAY!!!!!! I can't wait you better not keep me in suspense until Sunday like the rest of your family!!! PS Jordan's Halloween costume was adorable I'm so glad she had a blast trick or treating and I wish I could have gone with you guys!!!!!!


dang i had alot of typos haha.. thats what I get for trying to watch TV and do my blog at the same time. But yeah Jen you will be happy to know the next fruit is a mango and looks a little cuter than a sweet potato haha

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