Wednesday, December 7, 2011

23 Weeks!

   Horray!! I finally have pictures to post on here, thanks to my friend Emily.W!!!  I had alot of fun stuff this past week! Jen Rolfe came down on saturday for the baby shower on sunday and man I was excited!!!!! It was so nice to have her here, I havent seen her in far too long. I hate that we live so far apart and it costs so much to visit! I wont be able to see her again until after the baby is born sometime in April for her wedding shower! :( ... Well on a good note I am still doing well and having easy pregnancy. I had my monthly doctor appointment monday, after the baby shower. Everything looked fine by the doctor, I was measuring a little small for how far along I am, as far as fundal height goes ( they measure with a measuring tape from your pubic bone to top of your uterus. I was 23w5d at my appointment and I was measuring 22weeks. The doctor said that was fine and not worry, I have a feeling its just because this baby loooooves to stay down low and lives inside my hip bone haha. Everything otherwise is just peachy! His heartrate was good in the mid 150's and he is getting more active by the day!! Just as im typing this he is having a party in there tonight! :) Which I will completely miss when he is out. He also woke me up for the first time in the middle of the night from kicking and jumping around. Idk what I ate or why he was so hyper but around 3am one night he wanted me to get up haha. Scared the crap out of me at first.

Okay, onto the goods! My shower was Sunday at 12pm! I was so glad to have so many ladies make it out to the shower! Thanks again if any of you ladies read this! I also want to thank my mom, mother in law, and my friend Emily for doing such a great job. Emily does an amazing job decorating, I LOVE her style and her whole house looks as great as this party!! I swear when we get rich that is who Im paying to come do my house! :) Oh and mollie and her mom were a great help too. It was such a great turn out and we had alot of fun!!! So thankful for everyone!! I cant wait til lil boy is here so we can show him off in all the cute outfits he got!

We had cute little peanuts for our lil peanut and elephants and these colors which amazingly matched the walls on total accident!

Loooove the lil elephant!!

My aunt Jean made this lovely tasty cake! She was also the one who made our awesome beachy wedding cake!! She does such a nice job!! <3 Her

Duck towel!! Love it!

Even though it is hard to find cute boy clothes these ladies found some really sweet, cute little outfits! I cant wait to put them on him!


This was such a cute idea Emily found. Its a wish tree, everyone write sweet thoughts/ wishes for the baby and hangs them on the tree! I loooved it, im going to use it in his room!

Me and Jen <3

Mom and I

Emily and me!

Love this photo too! Thanks again Emily and Liz who took all these great photos, Im so thankful to have them!!!
Thanks to everyone who made it a great shower! Cant wait to show off our little peanut!!!! xoxo


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