Wednesday, October 5, 2011

14 Weeks!!

14th week update! I almost waited too late again this week. Time just gets away from me or I am just too tired to remember. But! Its here and im excited to be finishing up another week! Horray!! At times it seems to be moving right along and other times it seems to be dragging. Im sure the holidays will be over in a flash and ill be 30 something weeks wondering what happened to the time! I really enjoy being pregnant so I guess I shouldnt rush it. Its just hard to not get anxious for all the fun stuff, like feeling the baby move and finding out the sex and getting the nursery together!

The baby's crown to rump length is 3.2 to 4.5 inches long and he/she weighs approximately 1 ounce now.  Baby is about the size of the average fist. The baby has eyebrows, but no eyelashes. Fine, light hair also begins to grow.

This is the size of the baby this week, crown to rump!

The embryo`s soft cartilage is now being replaced with ` real` chalk bones.

Im starting to get this little belly though mine seems more round than the picture...

Finally my first belly picture posted!!!! Im definitely starting to show and people are starting to notice, for some reason when I wake up in the morning, my belly is smaller than this, but by bedtime my belly gets bigger. I guess from eating all day or being bloated. Im not sure but this was definitely one of my fatter feeling nights haha. It is kind of annoying right now, im too big for my regular clothes by not big enough for maternity clothes yet so everything I wear is uncomfy. Some mornings can be quite frustrating.

We are one month away from our ultrasound appointment! Yay we are really excited! I think we have decided to bring Jordan to the ultrasound! I think this will be a really exciting thing for her to be apart of, especially since she wont be around for anything else dealing with the pregnancy, until after the baby is here. I hope I am making the right decision and she behaves in there. She has really been testing my stress level lately so I am not 100% on my choice. I guess we will see. Might have to bring a lollypop or something? haha

I still cant tell one way or the other if this is going to be a boy or a gut instincts arent working I guess! Ugh Maybe ill try some of those silly wives tales experiments to see, according to the chinese gender chart, and every baby gender quiz I have taken every thing says girl? But we wont know for sure for another 30 days! Seems farrrr away!


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