Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Week 16!

Coming to the end of my 16th week! Yay My little jelly bean is getting big! He/She sure is starting to jump around at bed time! Exciting!
How far along?: 16 weeks!!!
How am I feeling?: Pretty good. I got a pretty strong pelvic bone pain this week, especially in my tailbone...felt like it was broke. I think its time to invest in some good body pillows. Aside from that been lovely.
Weight?: I havent gained anything since last week im still at 129. Ive heard im still in the normal range and should start packin on the pounds in the coming weeks... eek!

How am I changing?: Just getting a little fuller and rounder in the belly area!
What I miss?: Eating junk food and not feeling bad about it afterwards.
Symptoms?: Not really feeling any lately except the occational kick ...pregnancy does well with my body. Thankfully!

How big is baby?: Getting pretty big!! Pretty exciting. I also hear it described as the length and width of your open hand. :) love it!

Cravings?: hmmm...just sweets lately. I have eaten too much chocolate. oh and my jello. That is a given.
Food aversions?: Same as before, meat, fast food salads...and I need to emphasize my utter dislike for bacon the most of all meats right now. UGH
Highlights?: The flutters and movements are getting stronger everyday!  I cant wait until its all the time! :) love it!

My big 16 week belly. Its a little bloated looking if you ask me. It doesnt look quite this big in the mornings when I wake up but by 8pm, when this pic was taken and I have eaten all day I turn into a fatty! :)
I decided to do a baby pool for all of our friends and family. I thought it could be alot of fun! Thinking of maybe everyone putting in a dollar? I guess it depends on who votes and if they are near enough to do this. Other wise, the winner can just go to sleep every night feeling pretty awesome for guessing it right! Haha, So I found this neat site that keeps up with it and people can cast all their votes. If you want to add your two cents feel free!!! <3


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