Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week 15!!

 Im getting closer and closer to my appointment to find out what the baby is. Getting pretty excited. Jordan changes her mind everyday about what the sex of the baby is. She tells people she is going to have a baby sister and her name will be rapunzle lol then the next day she tells people its going to be a boy and she is naming him taylor (after this little boy who comes in the daycare all the time and they have alot of fun playing). I guess its good she isnt set on one or the other so she wont be disappointed either way. I have wanted to try one of those funny old wives tales tricks for finding out the gender but so far I have been too busy then forget haha. I think im going to try the baking soda one to see if it bubbles or doesnt.. Im sure its not right all the time, much like the others but sounds fun! :)

We havent been doing a whole lot lately except working and working some more. We do however take Jordan to Gymnastics tuesday nights and soccer on saturday morning. I dont have the pictures on the computer I update from so I will have to try loading them later. She does really well in gymnastics and loves it! I think we may be in for many more years of paying that bill :) Soccer was much less fun for her so far, I think because she is the littlest one in her group and she just doesnt run as fast as some of the older kids. They break it into 4-6year olds and Jordan has always been on the little side so I dont know if she will want to sign up for that again or not. She has started getting better though and has kicked the ball in the goal several times, so I guess we will see how it goes.

I recently found this neat little break down for a weekly pregnancy update so you dont leave stuff out, so Im going to give it a try!

How far along are you?: 15 weeks!!!

How big is baby? The length of a navel orange, crown to rump! :)


How am I feeling? Pretty good. I have had a great pregnancy, no sickness, no discomforts (yet) lol I occationally get a little tired but definitely have more energy lately than the first trimester.

Weight?: I really havent gained much weight yet, Im sure that is all about to change. I was 125 when I got pregnant. Which is actually about 10 pounds more than I weighed when I got pregnany with Jordan. I am now only at 129.

How am I changing? Not very much. I have a little bump where the baby is starting to show and mentally Im probably the same. I still dont think it has sunk in that I will have two kids. Even though I know in a few months I will bring a little baby home and I can even feel it kick occationally...it just doesnt seem very real.

What I miss?: Probably just sleeping on my tummy, and having a glass of wine lol. Not that I had them often, I think you only miss them when you cant have them.

Symptoms?: Not really, I think if I didnt have a little growing bump I wouldnt be convinced I was pregnant. Oh other than occationally I can feel a few kicks or rolls! That is really exciting. I guess occationally I have been getting a little emotional but not too bad.

Cravings?: Jello, sweets, pasta, cheese, fruit thats about it...that I can think of. I dont really have many cravings.

Food Aversions?: I have alot of these, I currently hate salad and almost all raw veggies, I dont really want meat or anything that seems to have protein haha. Dont get it. I cant ever find something I feel like eating because this seems to be taking over most of my food groups..especially around dinner time.

Highlights?: Feeling the baby move, he/she is starting to get stronger and more active. This past sunday Derek got to feel the baby for the first time. Man that was really exciting. The baby was doing some crazy stuff and Derek got to feel the baby several times in one night. I was surprised it was so early but the baby seems to be pretty active. Yay :)

24 days until we find out! :) :) :)



Yay!! Can't wait to find out what you are having. I'm hoping boy so Em and I have somewhere to put all these little boy clothes. ;)

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