Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Baby #3

The last week or so we have been transitioning at work after losing kristi. :( which unfortunately means a lot more work for me. I had gotten use to being able to rely on Kristi and pretty much cut my hours down to part time. Which is huge compared to the 65+ hours I was working every week while pregnant with Sawyer. I honestly don't know how I did it because I'm so so exhausted this time around, especially this last trimester. It's really been kicking my butt. Which is in part due to the fact that I have low iron and quite a low platelet count with this baby. It seems every pregnancy I have to develop some type of issue, it can't just be a normal uneventful experience. Jordan was threatening to come at 31 weeks then decided to arrive at 34 weeks. With Sawyer I had polyhydrominos (a lot of extra amniotic fluid), this baby is trying to thin out my blood :(.

My last blood draw was at 28 weeks and my platelet count was at 101 (I don't really understand the measurements but I do know the 'normal range' is 150-400. If mine continues to drop it will become an issue fast. Mainly because if it dips below 75 they won't administer an epidural during delivery. This wouldn't be such a big deal except at my growth scan today they found that the baby is measuring in the 99th percentile weighing in at 3lb and 14oz already!!!!!! Average for 29 weeks is about 2.5lbs. They are going to watch the growth to see what happens. I just don't know that I can do another all natural drug-free birth with a giant baby! I'm starting to stress a little! Though I am very thankful this baby is healthy I just don't understand why I grow such big babies :(

Other than that not a whole lot else going on! Trying to sort out work and juggle my mother/wife roles and find time for me. It just doesn't happen much. I'm just praying I get everything covered and taken care of by the time October comes. Hopefully this task will go smoothly!!


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