Saturday, August 31, 2013

32 weeks

Just thought I'd catch up on the pregnancy update. I'm now about 32.5 weeks (according to the doctors, I still think their dates are off) I still don't know when I ovulated, it wasn't on schedule. Since I was doing natural family planning I was tracking my weeks and abstaining during that week. Well that didn't work. However I do know when I had a positive pregnancy test and it was earlier than they think I should have.) I'm thinking instead of being due Oct 23rd I'm due closer to oct 10th. I sure feel more like 34 weeks.

Either way I'm sure this baby will be early, last I was checked I am already 1cm and 70% thinned out. I've already spent one night in labor and delivery a couple weeks ago for steady contractions. I've been seeing doctor szabo (against my will) who isn't concerned with what's going on. Despite my history of preterm labor with both kids. I can go from 1cm to 4cm like nothing. Next week is my last progesterone shot so I guess we will see how it goes. I also have an extra ultrasound to check the baby's weight. The baby so far has been measuring at the top of the charts. (Another reason I feel their dates are off) I make big babies but I don't make Guinness work record babies. All and all I'm expecting this baby to arrive between the end of sept and the beginning of oct. I'm very very ready for this one to be out and the pregnancy to be over. I'm ready to have my body back and a little energy as well as be able to finally hold this unexpected little surprise. Don't get me wrong I'm very very grateful to have this baby but I'm done with the incubating. I feel like the last 2 1/2 years i have been nothing but a walking uterus!

With all that aside, here is my 32 week picture.


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