Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week 12!

I was trying to figure out how I wanted to do this pregnancy update. I was at first thinking once a month then biweekly, but now I am thinking why not do it evey week. It is something I can look back on and see and everyone can follow up weekly and alot of mornings I am sitting at the daycare with nothing to do, so why not. Ill keep it short and sweet this week but Im excited that this marks the end of the first trimester! I started to feel my uterus a little bit above my pelvic bone and it is definitely filling out more as the week goes on. Im pretty excited about it, I cant wait to feel the baby jumpin around that is really the best part of being pregnant! I have been on a huge jello-spree this week. I think i have eaten like 4 - 6packs of strawberry jello! Tasty haha. My symptoms are pretty much the same as last week, so not much new there! I found some cute pictures of the the updated size of the baby. I am so excited that the baby is starting to look more baby like! I am hoping that I get another ultrasound before the one at 18weeks or so. I have an appointment next tuesday (sept 27th) we will see what all happens there!

12 week fetus, the head is still 1/3 of the babys body length. Lil bobble head :)

It has tiny ity bity fingernails!!! 12 week hand

The length of the baby is the the size of a plum! It is crazy to think I have a baby that long in me and I still cant feel it jumping around!

Photo of a 12 week fetus!!! It is looking more normal everyday! Still so tiny though!!! Well since I waited til the end of the week to post this I will probably be posting my 13 week update in just a few days. My weeks start every thursday! I will officially be in my second trimester as of thursday! Yippie!!!!


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