Saturday, August 13, 2011

Same old same old...

Well havent had anything going on AT ALL in a long time, so I again have let too much time pass since my last post. A full month actually. Since we opened the daycare it has been hard to do anything except be there all day, go home and go to bed, then do it all over again the next day. Thankfully it has started to pick up and even though it isnt a constant flow yet we have had several good days a week for the past few weeks. Even our slow days now are our old good days from last month. We are alot more optimistic and everyone seems to be interested in us even if they havent tried us yet, and so far ALL GOOD REVIEWS! :) YAY

Last week I went to my moms house one night to pick up Jordan, this little guy was hanging out right by her door frame! He was so neat I had to take a picture. Wish i had a better camera these pictures would have come out better! One day though lol

My fearless daughter decided she was going to "pet him" when she went outside, and he jump in my moms plant and Jordan screamed then started cracking up! She is crazy!

A couple weeks ago we were really bored and didnt have a birthday party on our sunday off so we decided to drive to Raliegh and go to the mall! We didnt do a whole lot but had fun just hanging out and window shopping. We walked by some new kids store and they had this in the front and Jordan ran insite ( smart sales pitch lol) even though it didnt work for them in us purchasing anything, we got some cool pictures! lol

Jordan rocking out lol I have never seen one of these Paper Jamz things but they are pretty neat.

Jordan REALLY liked beating on the drums lol

We went to that Brookstone store in the mall too, the one with all the vibrating chairs and the amazing temperpedic beds I want when Im rich haha, but Derek found me the best gift haha! Everyone makes fun of me because I am such a weird cereal eater. I HATEEEE soggy cereal it grosses me out, so instead of eating one big bowl like everyone else, I eat two or three tiny bowls of cereal in the mornings. Then, to my surprise! I am not the ONLY person in the world that hates soggy cereal. Some genius decided to make a bowl for people like me haha.

You fill the top part with cereal, then as you need more you slide it down the little ramp into the milk. GENIUS!!!!

I had to add this for Jen, I went in my moms pool and this dude came swimming by. I almost had a heart attack!

This is the rain from today. CRAZY!!!!! This is our back parking lot it completely flooded.

This is the road could swim in it!


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