Friday, May 13, 2011

Mothers Day, Drop Zone Kids, and Tom's Birthday!

Mothers Day was the first lazy fun day we have had in a while. We spend most of the day lounging around and sitting at the park just enjoying the weather and our family. It was really nice to relax for a while. Working on our business can get really exhausting but hopefully in a couple weeks it will all pay off!! (That is if it takes off like we are praying that it does!)  I cant wait to see our work in action! Its such a crazy thought to own a business, I still cant really believe that we have a business? Crazy. Well on to the pictures!

My greek inspired Mothers Day breakfast. I love feta cheese so Derek found a neat way to use it for breakfast! It was sooo yummy!

Doby..watching Derek cook breakfast. He is getting big fast! He was 10 weeks old on Mothers Day :)

We went on a lovely little picnic for lunch in the park! It was such a nice day!

Jordan, Doby, and Nesquik

Mommy and Jordan :) (who I can NEVER get to look at the camera and take a nice picture without making that silly face!)

Jordan decided she likes climbing trees!!

Jordan was trying to collect sticks for something, but Doby kept stealing them lol

This was at the park there, at Campbell house, not really sure what it is but thought it would be a cute picture :)

Here are a few pictures of our progress this week. It feels like it just drags on and we never get much done. But hopefully it will be done soon and we can finally put the paint brushes and hammers away!! Cant wait!

Jordan helped me paint the desk! I think she got more paint on her than on the desk.

I dont know if I have put this picture up yet but I think its so neat, we actually finished this a week or so ago but I thought I would talk about it now, because I think its so cute! Its our dress-up clothes closet! We havent hung the clothes yet (so they wouldnt get dusty) but I think it came out so cute! I hope the kids love playing dress up!

Derek has spent several days on this project. We wanted to cut this hole in the wall so everything is more open and the parents can see the kids back there. Then Bernie suggested we put on little puppet shows from the backside and hang up some little curtains. I think we just might!

We finally finished the floor!!!!! YAY...whew! that was a pain!

My little bench for the front entry way, I am pretty excited about it. We got it from someone who was throwing it away and I re-upholstered it! Now it looks bran new again! Im pretty excited!

This past wednesday was Toms birthday! We all met up at Pik n Pig in carthage and had a fun dinner outside on the patio! The kids loved running around and playing in the grass.

The love each other one minute then they fight the next lol


Tom and Ben chasing after Jordan

 Derek with Ben and Jordan

Grandpa Bernie and Clark :) He is a funny little boy

Tom, Mollie, Betsy and Carson...and Bens ear :) Happy Birthday Tom!!

We all had a lovely evening. I love when we all get together!



Happy Belated Mothers Day. Even though Jordan doesn't look I think the pictures of the two of you always turn out to gorgeous. maybe I will text you tomorrow and we can stop by to drop off those blocks & books. I love all the progress. That is funny because someone had told us about the Pik-n-pig recently and I couldnt find it so I thought they were crazy! lol. I love what you say in your captions, so funny. Oh and I LOVE LOVE feta cheese too. I normally just do scrambled eggs, feta and fresh spinach when I use it for breakfast!


I love you!!!! Your business is going to be a success I just know it :) I can't wait until you open up and you tell me all about it!!! PS your puppy is getting SO cute!!! I love that his ears stick up now hehe

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