Monday, July 1, 2013

Back from my posting vacation.

 I have such a hard time with keeping up with life and getting it all down. I feel like the busiest person alive. I know I'm probably not, but man the days just seem to run together and the time passes by so quickly. Its been seven months since I have written anything down, the sad part is, I also had stopped writing in Sawyer baby book after his seventh month update. He is 15months now! I am a terrible mom. I spent over an hour last night trying to fill in the gaps, and its just not the same. However, thats what I plan to do with this blog. Ill start from current times and go back to fill in the holes. It just goes to show you how much time I actually take for myself. I used to update my blog when the kids went to bed and I could sit down and enjoy a snack and organize my pictures and get them all online. Yeah...well not so much of that has gone on. Luckily I still have tons of pictures, they are just trapped on my phone. I am really going to try to make updating this part of my weekly routine, I think I need this time to myself.

Here are some current pictures of all of us. Mr. Sawyer bean with his cup. He goes NOWHERE without his milk cup. I have a hard time getting a picture of him without this stinkin' cup in it. I guess I shouldnt be too upset, there are worse things he could be attached to. He is getting so big, I cant believe how fast time flies. I swear it didnt seem like Jordan got so big so fast. It literally seems like I was just in the hospital giving birth! Makes me sad, though I love the little person he has become! He is so full of energy and love and he keeps us laughing. I cant imagine a day without him. He is so ready to be a big boy he tries so hard to keep up, and he loves to follow his big sissy around. I think she is his favorite person! Im soaking it up while I can, before the bickering starts! So, for now I get to bask in all the lovey cuddles and kisses between them!

Me and the Hubs. We definitely don't take the time to take enough pictures of the two of us. Even here someone had to sneak attack an arm in the frame. A little side note: My wonderful husband is in school full time now working his butt off to finish his degree. He finally decided a path that was great for him and his new goal is to be a Chemical Engineer, and I think that is a perfect fit! He is so so smart he has already finished a couple classes this summer with A's of course. I have no doubt that he will finish this degree and find an amazing job that he will love. He had worked so hard to try to find a way into the military but because of his medical history there is just no working him in, so I guess a military life isnt for us. Its probably for the better though, the thought of living separately made me sad before he even put his name down. He has one more semester at sandhills, and he will be transferring up to NC State to finish in the engineering program. Im so excited for him. He is nervous about it but this guy is so smart he doesnt even know. He will have it in the bag!! Im so proud of him! :)

Little princess Jordan recently got a new haircut, her Rapunzel hair was getting unmanageable. She is currently on summer break, though it is coming to an end here shortly. She is my big 1st grader! She cant wait to start school back up. She is my other genius. She got above grade level marks on her report cards in kindergarten and finished out with outstanding remarks from her teacher. She is already doing math with large numbers and reading above grade level! She loves science and is a fantastic artist!! She has a knack for that and got above average in art all year! I'm so so proud of her too! I hope she does well all throughout school. Though im sure with the help from her amazing daddy she will. This man is trying to teach her algebra and chemistry at 6years old, and the scary thing is she understands the basics!! I can't wait to see what she does throughout school! 

Then last but not least....We are expecting another little Markey in october!! Right now im nearly 24 weeks. Apparently this baby will be big like its big brother, because Im looking gigantic already. -Sigh- oh well.  Im excited and nervous all at the same time. This baby was very much NOT planned and I have to say I dont think I was quite ready. My littles will be 17months apart. I may go crazy chasing after two babies and trying to keep up with Jordan too. So therefore on that note, there is a very good chance that this little Markey will be our last addition. I can hardly imagine chasing after 3 kids. I cant even picture 4. I had planned to start trying when Sawyer was about 2, but looks like by the time he is two I will have a 7month old. YIKES! Despite all the nerves, this baby will be very much loved. We are still very excited and even more so now that we decided to be 'team green', in other words, we didnt find out the gender. This baby was a surprise so  what better time to not find out! I always wanted to do it with one baby. The whole giving birth and the doctor shouting out, "its a ....." sounds so thrilling! This pregnancy has been flying by up until the last couple weeks it seems. October seems so far away but im sure looking back it will seem like only a brief moment. 

So thats it, thats the jist of what is going on with us. Ill be sure to keep posting throughout my pregnancy! :)


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