Tuesday, November 6, 2012

North Carolina State Fair 2012

October 23th we took the kids to the North Carolina state fair! We try to always make it to the fair when it comes but this was obviously Sawyers first time, which makes it all the more exciting! :) Since we work way too many  hours we had to take the kids after work (Well we actually decided to drive up monday night as well, just Derek and I while the kids stayed home with Grandma Betsy. Date night! Whoo) Anyway, we didnt get there until about 7pm and we stayed a little late so we could squeeze out as much fun as we could! Derek and Jordan rode several rides. Jordan really wanted to ride the ferris wheel so this is what me and sawyer did while we waited for nearly 40minutes!!
Fireworks! (Derek and Jordan got the pleasure of watching these from the top of the ferris wheel, soooo sweet haha)

Sawyer was having a blast despite the nippy air that night
Here is Jordan and Daddy on their first ride of the night, hard to get a picture they were flying!
They had a kid roller coaster and Jorda asked to go all by herself! We were a little surprised, though I dont know why, this child is a thrill seeker.
On to the petting zoo. This was so cool to me for some reason, maybe because I have never seen a camel in real life. Pretty dang cool if you ask me. Way better than the Zoo and a million times faster haha. You were able to touch and feed the animals, which was very neat!
Jordan feeding the Camel!!
Look how far back she jerked her hand when he put his mouth on it haha. He was determined to get that food though.
Sawyer and a llama, tried to squeeze him into the pic lol
Jordan found a little baby goat
We promised Jordan face painting which she loved, since it was filled with lots of glitter.
Sawyer riding on Daddys shoulders again, he loves it!
Giant slide.

That wrapped up our trip to the fair and we headed on the long walk to the car. The kids fell asleep almost instantly and we enjoyed some grown up conversation. Im glad we wer able to make it up there even though it was late and cold. Hopefully next year it will be a little warmer!


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