Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sawyers first beach trip!

The beginning of September we decided on a whim to drive to the beach one weekend before the season was over. It was Sawyers first time at the beach! He wasn't too sure about the water even though he is normally really excited about baths. I, however was really excited to take him since my second love is the beach. Little man was six months old, which was coincidently about the same age his big sister was when I took her the first time. She is another little water baby. I told her not to get wet, so naturally she was completely submerged and soaked. I am already looking forward to taking them back when it warms up again and my little dude can walk! They will have a blast!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Color Run!

Last month Derek and I ran our first 5K! The Color Run, It was awesome! I was worried I would not be in shape enough since its only been six months since I had Sawyer, however I really surprised myself and ran most of it! This is one run we want to continue to do every year!

And again I don't know how to make the pictures go in order, my phone shuffles them for some reason.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Catching up on sawyer!

These are Some of my favorite pictures from over the summer. Im Uploading from my phone for the first time, I haven't figured out all quirks! I just want to make sure I get all these wonderful memories saved to my blog!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Photo bomb of Sawyer :)

Sawyer Austin Markey

     Picking up where I left off...I continued my OB appointments weekly at the end of the pregnancy. Around 37 weeks they did a final ultrasound to check up on the growth of the baby since he had been mearsuring ahead, as was I. At 37 weeks and some change, they measured him to be close to 9 pounds! I started freaking out! I desperately wanted to have a vaginal birth. I felt like if I was to have to have a C-section I would be robbed of the experience. I had been studying up on all sorts of natural birthing techniques and Derek read up on partner coaching, we were really excited! This news was upsetting to say the least! I was afraid if they didnt get him out soon, a C-section was inevitable.
        I went back a few days later after I hit the 38week mark and I saw Dr.Szabo. He decided to move along with an induction as soon as I hit 39 weeks (new state law). He made some calls and had the date set for Sunday, March 25th.
           Since I felt just fine I continued working up until the night before our induction date! The next morning we were up early, Derek made me a tasty breakfast and we set off for the hospital for our 7am appt. We arrived, got checked in an put in our room all by 7:30! The nurses I had were absolutely amazing. I wish I could remeber their names! They made me comfortable and were so sweet and relaxing. They checked me and I was already at 4cm dilated and 80% effaced. They wanted to see if I would start progressing more on my own, so they stuck me in a hot bath for about 40minutes. Then checked me again. We had a small scare, Dr, Terry thought he felt a butt during the check, which would mean that the baby had turned upside down (breech). They did a quick ultrasound check and he was thankfully still head down and ready to go! We watched music videos and some other random TV shows while I snacked on jello and broth for a couple hours. Once more they checked me, I was moving right along to 5-6cm, so they began the walking phase. We walked and walked for several hours then they checked me again after lunch and I had progressed further. YAY! My body saved me from what I hear is a nasty induction process! Oh, might I add, not only did I progress on my own but I didnt feel a single contraction for most of the day. I was progressing painlessly (VERY weird and unlike my labor with Jordan). Sometime around 2pm they decided to move things along by breaking my water, which was a small ocean due to the extra amniotic fluid I had. After that things began to speed up. I labored a couple more hours, walked a few more laps around the maternity floor and decided to go back to our room. Somewhere around 7-8cm I began feeling my contractions. They stuck me on the monitors and Derek and I sat in the room alone practicing the tools that we had learned togther. Some time around 6:45-7pm I progressed right up to 9-91/2 cm and then the pain just hit me like a brick wall. The baby was face up and when he wiggled down to the birth canal, the back of his head was pressing on my tale bone. Everything was peaches and sunshine until this point. They doctor and his team came in and quickly tried to turn the baby over, but it was not happening, so they preped me for delivery. Before I knew it I was ready to push. It literally all happened in a flash. I can literally say I have never felt so close to dying and Im not the dramatic type. Just when I felt like I couldnt handle anymore, our little man made his apperance at 7:15pm. He weighed 8lbs 9oz 21.5inches long. I had a small tear in my cervix, that gave Derek and I a little scare, though the doctor didnt seem to concerned. I lost extra blood, due to the tear so I ended up staying an extra day in the hospital. All in all it wasnt that bad though, I was able to relax more and be waited on.
           I cant believe the difference in the experience I had with Sawyer than with Jordan. Everything about Sawyers birth was awesome. Painful, but awesome. The staff was amazing and I even had a wall of windows in my delivery room (3rd floor thankfully) so we were able to keep the windows cracked open and get some fresh air and listen to music! It was so much more relaxing and lovely than when I had Jordan. Without going into a whole story, I considered having sawyer at a different hospital because my experience with Jordan was so bad. I am so blessed and happy to have had everything go so well, and just as my friend Emily W told me, I looooved Dr. Terry. He was awesome! Hands down, if I were to get pregnant again he would be my only choice! Here are the hospital pictures of my little man, that I never ordered lol