Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Merry Markey Christmas!!!!!

We had a wonderful Christmas!! We spent most of the week at betsy's house helping her remodel her kitchen, which was alot of fun! Then before we knew it, it was christmas eve and we got to hang out with the whole family! Betsy got up super early and made us a lovely dinner of turkey and stuffin and all the normal goodies, so good! Jordan had such a fun time hangin out with her lil cousin Ben even though all the little markey boys were sick :( poor guys.

Jordan and Daddy Derek painting Betsys kitchen! We had alot of fun! and it looked so pretty after we finished!!!!
Jordan and Ben opening stockings from Grandma Betsy

Carson (i think) looking at me like "stop taking pictures of me" lol

The amazing hor'sdouves my husband made for Christmas eve!

Ben loving his brother so sweet!!!

Family shot!

Ben cheesing!!!

Ben cant stop for hugs with uncle derek :)

Jordan taking a nap in between christmas celebrations with our familys!

Jordan opening presents with Nana and Grandpa

These are pictures from Christmas morning back at our house! Jordan was so excited about her new bike and easy bake oven that Santa got her!!

Time to wake up sleepy head!

She loved her bike!

Tools to help daddy work!

My awesome husband got me a broncos jersey!! that says dabestwife on the back!! :) so sweet
We saved the best for last and Jordan was soooo excited about her easy bake oven!!! I have a feeling im gonna be making a bunch of tiny cakes this week! haha



I love it! Jordan is so beautiful. I will look at it again to see if I have any pointers but so far so good! I'm looking at it on my phone not a big screen right now. Merry Christmas and now enjoy this snow we woke up to!!!!

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