Currently, Im just over here being all pregnant and such. The beginning of this pregnancy seemed to fly by and looking back seems like Im going to wake up in 6 months and realize just how fast it went by and how I took it for granted. I have really struggled with this pregnancy to actually enjoy it. It seems so weird to me because over all I have such easy pregnancies and I lose the weight quickly and I typically love it. However this time I was not trying to get pregnant. It was much sooner than I had planned and I was literally just getting my body back. Just a couple months of nursing left then I was free to focus on me and getting back in shape etc. Then bam! I found out the beginning of February that i'm starting it all over again. That sounds terrible right? Don't get me wrong I'm very thankful for a healthy baby. This baby is already loved and I always wanted more kids I just had planned to space them out a bit more. I also have been getting negative remarks occasionally from customers at the daycare and random strangers and it gets to me after a while. I am a little worried about how I'm going to manage a new baby and the other two, being a wife, cleaning and errands all while working full time. It is so daunting right now that I honestly just try to block it out. Though the ticking time clock is getting louder everyday. My time of a mommy of two is dwindling....scary! Im trying to stay positive and focus on this unexpected blessing.
Almost 28 weeks here :) Hello 3rd trimester!!!!
Jordan and I made some really tasty birthday confetti popcorn and sent to Jen for her 25th birthday :) We of course had to make a second batch to eat ourselves since Sawyer wanted to eat all of Jen's. hehe Little piggy!
Here is a pic of my beautiful little girl. She is getting so big, some days it really hits you that 'wow she's NOT a baby any more!' I cant believe how fast she is growing.
And of course my handsome little man cuddling his infamous cup. He melts my heart every day. I love him so much. Can't believe how big he is getting too, seems like I was just sitting here blogging about being pregnant with him!
Jordan has been losing baby teeth one after the other over here. (Another sign she is getting so big!!) Here she is after losing her 3rd baby tooth. :) She tries to hang on to them as long as possible, literally until they are hanging on by a thread but thankfully she let daddy pull this tooth out!
Lastly, My best employee and close friend Kristi Brenneman is moving to Pennsylvania. Im pretty sad about it and I am freaked out about being lost with no Kristi to help at work and I'm weeks away from delivery. Though I'm mostly sad that my friend is leaving. I have a hard time getting close to anyone as a friend and trusting them and of course when I do, they get taken away. Really sucks and I'm mad and upset with our crappy luck but Im glad for the time we had together and memories we have. I hope we will be able to visit often and keep close. I will miss her.
Here is our kiddies at my moms pool a couple weeks ago, they had a blast and we had a great time relaxing and snacking by the pool. :)
Here is our kiddies at my moms pool a couple weeks ago, they had a blast and we had a great time relaxing and snacking by the pool. :)
We will miss you Kristi Brenneman, you are awesome and a wonderful friend. Pennsylvania wont know what hit them! <3 :'-(
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