Thursday, November 10, 2011

19 Weeks!

I was a slacker this week and thought I would have more time to get on here and post the ultrasound news! Although Im sure everyone knows by now that the baby is a BOY! :) We are both really excited, a bit surprised because we thought it was another girl, due to the fact that my pregnancy was pretty much exactly like the one with Jordan. We didnt care what the baby was either way so of course we are very happy! Cant wait to meet him!!!! Everything in the ultrasound looked great and he was very healthy and weighed around 10oz! Yay

I still feel the same other than Im starting to feel big in the last couple weeks. I dont think my belly has changed shape too much but I guess because everything is getting more cramped up by the day that I am starting to feel it. Today I have actually felt so stretched and big Im afraid I will end up with stretch marks! Im praying that doesnt happen! I still have only gained 5 pounds but the doctor said after this week it should be a gain of about 1/2 pound a week! I dont know where I am going to put it lol My belly already feels big.

This little one is quite active. Hasnt done any crazy flips yet but im sure that is coming in the next few weeks. He is always kicking around though and jumping on my bladder. During the ultrasound his head was down on top of my bladder face down toward my hip bone and his butt was at my belly button. He kept hiding his face so the tech had to keep pushing at him and made me flip over so she could get a picture of that sweet little face! He wasnt having it, we were able to get a couple and enough for the measurements but then he flipped right back over and curled up again lol. Must be cozy

This was a picture of me at 19 weeks. I had been doing a picture every other week on the even weeks. However we did a little gender party with our family and we needed one for our baby slide show so I got an extra photo out of it!

We have so many awesome things coming up we are looking forward to I know the 2nd half of the pregnancy is going to fly by! As much as I enjoy being pregnant, I cant wait to have him here with us and Jordan cant wait to be a big sister!!!


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