Wednesday, September 7, 2011

11 Weeks down 29 to go..

Well I have been moving right along with the pregnancy. I some how lost the charger to the battery for my camera and of course it only takes those fancy square rechargable ones so I am going to have to go and buy a new charger and all that, so unfortunantly I havent been taking any pictures at all the last few weeks. Which totally stinks because we have actually been a little busy lately. I probably should have waited until next week to post this because it will be the end of my first trimester, but I am bored now so its a week early. Anyway since I dont have my own pictures I thought these would be equally as interesting to show.

 These are about what the baby should look like now! Still a little funny looking with that big head but it now has all of its organs and most everything is should be functioning! Little baby has even started forming fingernails this week!

Derek and I bought a fetal heart monitor off ebay last week, so we are able to listen to the babys sweet little heart beat whenever we want. It was so exciting to hear it for the first time! Nice strong heartbeat, right around 170bpm! It is so nice having it at home so even our family can hear it too! I cant wait for the next two or three weeks to get here when I finally start showing a little bit! Pretty excited. I should also be able to feel the baby moving in the next few weeks too. At least that is what they say since its the second baby, so I'm hoping!! I havent had alot of crazy cravings, just more adversions than anything. I just love eating fruit and sweet stuff like jello, yogurt, and fruit smoothies and also rice or pasta. I am not really into meat or even vegetables. I just want to eat a giant container of berries everyday. I dont know what I am going to do this winter!!! AHH

Thought this was a pretty neat picture!

Starting to look alot more like a baby :)

This is the current size of the baby (roughly). The baby will double in size in the next couple weeks to the size of a peach! Cant wait! I have been telling everyone that I dont want to find out what the sex of the baby is because I have always wanted to have 1 baby that was a surprise, but Im thinking it will have to be the next one because I am already getting super anxious! So I think I will be finding out what we are going to have. Derek is convinced it is going to be a girl, and my mom is sure its a boy, so I will have to find out! The anticipation is too much! I honestly dont care what we have, boy or girl, I will be happy either way. However I have been having a few dreams about the baby and everytime in my dream I find out its a girl. The same thing happened when I was pregnant with Jordan, only girl dreams. Plus I have been having an excellent symptom free pregnancy again just like with Jordan, so I dont know. I hear of people feeling different with different sex babies or I could just be a super lucky person who gets to enjoy being pregnant no matter the sex. I guess we will see in another 6 weeks or so. I cant wait!!!!!! Hopefully in a couple weeks I can post my first belly picture!!! We feel really blessed and so excited! Im so thankful :)


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