Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grandpa and Nana visit

Yesterday we went to a Home show here in Wilmington, and my parents came down to join us. There was tons of cool stuff. There a lots of neat things out on the market for re-doing your home. It was a pretty fun afternoon. After we poked around for a couple hours we headed out for a nice lunch at a Japenese resturant, where Jordan used chop sticks for the first time. She had so much fun and got rice everywhere!

Giant pool! not sure how they got this in here

Awesome patio!

Funny giant patio heat lamp

I really liked this patio furniture

Jordan ate goldfish

This is a cool sauna you can have in your house. Pretty fancy stuff

Jordan loved this little play house

She really wanted grandpa and nana to get one of these. They had some with water in them and she really wanted to swim haha

Got her blinking but this was her using chop sticks. She got more in her lap than in her mouth lol

Still struggling, but she had fun. Eventually she gave up and finished with a fork. But she thought it was really cool to eat like Kailan off of Nick Jr. (Its like a chinese version of dora). Jordan had a great time hanging out with Nana and Grandpa. That girl is way to spoiled, but at least she isnt lacking any love.



That is so cute of her being like Kailan! the pic of derek and you is adorable! oh, and i love your music!

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