Wednesday, December 14, 2011

24 Weeks!

        Im excited to be 24 weeks! It is pretty common practice that this week marks the first week of possible vitality!!! In other words if I were to have the baby now the hospital would try to save the baby and put him in the NICU(50% chance of survival), before this week most hospitals in the U.S. wont attempt to save the baby. Though I am on a mommy chat board thing, were we are all due the same month and there have been a few women who already gave birth. One was 23 weeks and they saved her daughter. Just depends on where you are. Plus since ill be 25 weeks tomorrow, I would be even more in the clear. Though I would be scared to death to have a baby that tiny too!! Most babies at this age are around a pound and half!
This picture more closely resembles my belly than the second one haha

Im still feeling great as usual, a little tired this week but that could just be from christmas shopping and cleaning or working too much. Hard to tell. I still have a pretty symptom free, boring-update pregnancy. I dont even really have any cravings I could list. The only thing that is not so fun is pelvic bone pain, but nothing the doctor can do about that, pretty much just have to suck it up! Im really excited to be done with christmas shopping! I love the holidays and Im really looking forward to it getting here!! Cant wait. It comes and goes pretty fast. Then its gone and over and Jan is pretty boring until Jordans bday party!! Luckily we have some pretty fun stuff to keep us excited through the winter!!

Im still stuck on the stinkin papaya!! Next week though I move to my next fruit size!!! whooo!

Thought I would add a couple pictures of babies that were born at 24 weeks and survived and are now healthy happy little babies! Unbelievable something so tiny could live!!! Still hard to believe that my baby probably looks something like this right now!! Really exciting!!

So tiny!!! Amazing!! Makes me a little more thankful for those pain in the butt (literally) progestrone shots I have done every week. They are to help keep this little guy in as long as possible since his big sister couldnt wait to get out early! Though let me tell you, they suck! Super thick and makes my butt sore for 2 or 3 days! Totally worth it though! only about 11 or 12 more shots to go! :) haha

 I finally got my laptop back, so I have all my pictures finally and I will have to do an extra post this week to update all the fun we have had in the past month or so!!! Pretty exciting!! Plus its getting to be about that time again to take some belly shots!!!! :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

23 Weeks!

   Horray!! I finally have pictures to post on here, thanks to my friend Emily.W!!!  I had alot of fun stuff this past week! Jen Rolfe came down on saturday for the baby shower on sunday and man I was excited!!!!! It was so nice to have her here, I havent seen her in far too long. I hate that we live so far apart and it costs so much to visit! I wont be able to see her again until after the baby is born sometime in April for her wedding shower! :( ... Well on a good note I am still doing well and having easy pregnancy. I had my monthly doctor appointment monday, after the baby shower. Everything looked fine by the doctor, I was measuring a little small for how far along I am, as far as fundal height goes ( they measure with a measuring tape from your pubic bone to top of your uterus. I was 23w5d at my appointment and I was measuring 22weeks. The doctor said that was fine and not worry, I have a feeling its just because this baby loooooves to stay down low and lives inside my hip bone haha. Everything otherwise is just peachy! His heartrate was good in the mid 150's and he is getting more active by the day!! Just as im typing this he is having a party in there tonight! :) Which I will completely miss when he is out. He also woke me up for the first time in the middle of the night from kicking and jumping around. Idk what I ate or why he was so hyper but around 3am one night he wanted me to get up haha. Scared the crap out of me at first.

Okay, onto the goods! My shower was Sunday at 12pm! I was so glad to have so many ladies make it out to the shower! Thanks again if any of you ladies read this! I also want to thank my mom, mother in law, and my friend Emily for doing such a great job. Emily does an amazing job decorating, I LOVE her style and her whole house looks as great as this party!! I swear when we get rich that is who Im paying to come do my house! :) Oh and mollie and her mom were a great help too. It was such a great turn out and we had alot of fun!!! So thankful for everyone!! I cant wait til lil boy is here so we can show him off in all the cute outfits he got!

We had cute little peanuts for our lil peanut and elephants and these colors which amazingly matched the walls on total accident!

Loooove the lil elephant!!

My aunt Jean made this lovely tasty cake! She was also the one who made our awesome beachy wedding cake!! She does such a nice job!! <3 Her

Duck towel!! Love it!

Even though it is hard to find cute boy clothes these ladies found some really sweet, cute little outfits! I cant wait to put them on him!


This was such a cute idea Emily found. Its a wish tree, everyone write sweet thoughts/ wishes for the baby and hangs them on the tree! I loooved it, im going to use it in his room!

Me and Jen <3

Mom and I

Emily and me!

Love this photo too! Thanks again Emily and Liz who took all these great photos, Im so thankful to have them!!!
Thanks to everyone who made it a great shower! Cant wait to show off our little peanut!!!! xoxo

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

22 weeks!!!

22 weeks! Im moving right along, Im a big slacker though because I still didnt take another photo of my belly!!! Im terrible. In my defense though, my laptop isnt working and my dad has it trying to fix it so I have no way to upload my pictures until I get it back. Then ill have a ton of stuff to update on, since we have done some fun stuff the last couple weeks! So, soon you will see the new belly pics! I dont feel like I have changed that much but Im sure I have.
Little man is around a pound and nearly a foot long! His pancreas is now functioning and producing hormones and his inner ear is now developed and he has a sense of balance.

This is how our baby loves to stay. I dont think I have to worry about him being breech, he seems to always have his head down in my pelvis and squishing my bladder!

I finally have gained more than five pounds. I was up to seven a couple days ago, I guess from here on out ill be gaining. Eek! I would like to point out while im thinking about it that none of those wives tales ever EVER follow my pregnancies. I have wanted so much candy lately, especially laffy taffy haha which I have tried to limit myself on. I think I have to have something sweet everyday, normally its jello, which Im still enjoying through the whole pregnancy haha.
Still no stretch marks or really anything to complain about so I feel pretty lucky!!!

Well I dont have much else to update about other than Im super excited. My baby shower is Sunday!!!!!! Whooooo. I cant wait, its going to be so much fun and Jen will be coming down from MD and Im so happy to get to see her and all the other friends and family that is traveling to come! Im stoked! So Ill have some cool pictures to put up next week!!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

21 weeks!

Well, a day late again, but I figured I would go ahead and post a quick little update! It is getting a little busy around the holidays so I am a little lazy when it comes to doing this now haha. Might have something to do with the fact that Im in the middle of the second trimester, not much change. I havent even taked a current picture in several weeks, I dont feel like I have changed enough anyway. Ill get on that this week for the next update though! Im starting to realize that even though it seems like march is far far away the first 21 weeks have really flown by!!! Crazy. Im sure ill be sitting at home with my new little baby and be astonished how fast it all flew by! Im actually getting excited for Labor and all that! :) Starting to get excited to move along and meet him!
I still have only gained 5 or 6 pounds, they say Im in for a growth spurt of weight gain soon though? I guess we will see, Im hoping not to gain too much!

Im thinking our little man is closer to 13oz or 14oz, since he was 10oz at 19weeks. Oh my :) haha

He is getting big and fillling my belly. Its really exciting because the last two weeks or so he has been getting more active and kicking harder. I feel him several times through the day! I forget sometimes that he isnt still tiny floating around in a big bubble, that he actually is already filling up the whole space inside! Our little dude likes to stay upside down and down inside my pelvis...must be a cozy spot. Then he kicks his legs up around my belly button while his head is down inside my hip! Feels like he is going to fall out sometimes! haha

Well I guess thats all I have to say for this week, ill make sure to take a picture for next week though!! Im gettting really excited to be 24 weeks and beyond! (viability week) I think I will feel better, not that I have a reason to worry now, but just the idea that if I went into really early labor they would try to save him if he is 24 weeks or more. So that will be an exciting milestone post! Yay

Thursday, November 17, 2011

20 weeks!!!! halfway!!

Halfway!! Horray!!! Im pretty excited to be halfway through the pregnancy! Although I really enjoy being pregnant, Im pretty excited to get to meet sweet little baby!!! which by the way if anyone a BOY!
We are really getting into the full swing of everything all at once. We finally found a house! Yay and we have been moving in and such this past week. We are so so excited. We have started getting all the baby stuff we had begun to collect and put in his new room, I cant wait for derek to start building the crib!!! Its going to be so nice! Then in 2 1/2 weeks we are having my baby shower, everyone decided to have an early one so that my grandma could make it! After that comes the holidays and ill be starting my third trimester before we start the new year! Its going to fly by fast I can already tell. Im sure ill be missing it before I know it. Especially my sleep! :)
This week the baby is swallowing amnioic fluid which is giving his little digestive track good practice.

This is the size of the baby from crown to rump. From crown to feet he should be somewhere around 10-12in. Little man was measuring 10in at my ultrasound two weeks ago so im betting he is on the higher side of that measurement!

Liked this picture, I know the baby is getting bigger and so is my belly, just crazy to think he is getting to be this big! Pretty exciting!!!! My belly size doesnt feel like it has changed much in the last couple weeks. Im not sure though, I will probably take another picture tomorrow since I was a slacker this week and skipped taking one. (Im running out of colored walls at work lol)

Im not sure if im this big or not, but many times I feel this big. Glad im not the only one obviously! I havent been craving any other types of foods and nothing has really changed. I havent really gained any weight still. Im still at the 5lb mark everytime I go to the doctor. The only new update is that this week I started taking progesterone shots which I will have to continue to have every week until Im 37 weeks. They are doing this as a precaution for preterm labor. Mainly since Jordan was born so early at 34 1/2 weeks and that I went into labor at 30 weeks. We are really trying to prevent a repeat of that. The shots are suppose to help prevent that or at least get me further along if he does come early. Guess ill have to get over my not liking shots and just deal. Although, I would like to whine that they have to give them to me in my upper butt cheek and they are super thick shots (nurse described it like cooking oil)...UGH So my butt will be sore for the remainder of the pregnancy. haha Oh well its for the best!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

19 Weeks!

I was a slacker this week and thought I would have more time to get on here and post the ultrasound news! Although Im sure everyone knows by now that the baby is a BOY! :) We are both really excited, a bit surprised because we thought it was another girl, due to the fact that my pregnancy was pretty much exactly like the one with Jordan. We didnt care what the baby was either way so of course we are very happy! Cant wait to meet him!!!! Everything in the ultrasound looked great and he was very healthy and weighed around 10oz! Yay

I still feel the same other than Im starting to feel big in the last couple weeks. I dont think my belly has changed shape too much but I guess because everything is getting more cramped up by the day that I am starting to feel it. Today I have actually felt so stretched and big Im afraid I will end up with stretch marks! Im praying that doesnt happen! I still have only gained 5 pounds but the doctor said after this week it should be a gain of about 1/2 pound a week! I dont know where I am going to put it lol My belly already feels big.

This little one is quite active. Hasnt done any crazy flips yet but im sure that is coming in the next few weeks. He is always kicking around though and jumping on my bladder. During the ultrasound his head was down on top of my bladder face down toward my hip bone and his butt was at my belly button. He kept hiding his face so the tech had to keep pushing at him and made me flip over so she could get a picture of that sweet little face! He wasnt having it, we were able to get a couple and enough for the measurements but then he flipped right back over and curled up again lol. Must be cozy

This was a picture of me at 19 weeks. I had been doing a picture every other week on the even weeks. However we did a little gender party with our family and we needed one for our baby slide show so I got an extra photo out of it!

We have so many awesome things coming up we are looking forward to I know the 2nd half of the pregnancy is going to fly by! As much as I enjoy being pregnant, I cant wait to have him here with us and Jordan cant wait to be a big sister!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

18 Weeks!!!

Another week has passed and almost missed it again, but luckily I havent been late yet! We had a busy week at work last week(thankfully) so I was a little too busy to do an update. So here I am the night before Im 19 weeks, just like school work! haha done at the last minute. Here are my 18 week pictures of my big giant tummy haha. I feel like im showing too much too fast, I hope that doesnt mean Im in for stretch marks this time!! eek. Either way im excited to be nearly halfway there!!!! And the most exciting thing the whole pregnancy...Im getting my anatomy ultrasound this friday!!!! YAY! We cant wait to find out if this a lil boy or girl. We are actually planning a little family get together this coming sunday to tell our family the sex of the baby, with a little game, its going to be funnnn!

18 weeks belly! :)

Bare  belly pic!!

My little sweet potato!!!

This picture made me feel alot better about my big tummy! haha makes me feel like Im a little more on track than I thought about. This is about the same size as mine. I love feeling the little one jumping around in there!

Thought this was a cool picture shows the uncomfy organ cramping of pregnancy!!

I will probably make my next post friday even just because Im super excited about finding out what the baby is!!! I will keep you posted :)

We had such an exciting weekend I was able to get some fun pictures to post!! Derek and I went to the Panthers vs. Vikings game on sunday and had a great time!! It was so fun!! Since we arent really close fans of either team we didnt mind who won. The vikings beat the panthers at the end of the game. It was a close game!

Then monday we had halloween, we all went with Tom and Mollie and the boys around southern pines, even though halloween was terribly cold here!!! We still had fun and got lots of candy. Jordan was dorothy and Ben was papa smurf! They were so cute.

My sweet little dorothy, we had to add to her costume to keep her little arms and legs cold. Still cute.

Dorothy and Papa smurf with uncle "tunk" as Jordan calls him haha

The twins were smurfs too, mollie picked a good year to do these outfits because of the chilly weather.

We took Doby with us too. He did not like Jordan leaving us to go knock on doors with uncle tunk. He likes to keep an eye on her. So sweet :)

Jordan and Ben with their loot! Despite the freezing cold weather these too had a blast and wanted to keep trick or treating! Cant wait to see what they will want to be next year!