Friday, September 11, 2015

Hello Wilmington...farewell Southern Pines...

     I'm going to back and fill in this huge two year gap a little at a time, but our life has been here and there and a hectic mess. Huge changes, but I think we are finally settling in. Derek and Jack are now running the second Betsy's Crepes in one of our favorite cities! We loved living here when we were first married, but couldn't stay, so I'm really excited for this second chance! Wilmington is a beautiful city full of history and fun family activities and lots and lots of other people! The traffic here can be a bit intense but I am definitely loving it. The beach is minutes from our house, which is pretty dang amazing. I have always wanted to live at the beach. I'm so glad I can mark that off my bucket list! It is a big transition living away from family for the first time since the boys joined our family. It was nice to have my mom down the street to just drop them off, and to know that if something happened and I couldn't pick Jordan up from school I could count on Liz, who was always there right when I needed her. I can't really say I miss southern pines, but I do miss knowing I could drive right over to a warm inviting house and sit down for a cup of coffee and pour myself out for hours on end in deep conversation. Knowing that talking to her would boost the confidence I have in myself as a mother and a wife, and just as a woman. Liz is an amazing person and I still marvel at her ability to gracefully carry out more than the average mom. I have learned so many things from her during our friendship, and I can say she one of my role models. My life was blessed and truly enriched to get to share those years and experiences with her. Moving away has definitely been harder than I expected, plus settling in has literally taken all summer, mainly due to getting the restaurant on its feet. I am glad she is still only 2 hours away, but at the same time, its not quite the same. I think its time for a visit and a warm cup of coffee.



Its amazing, you see these pleasant interactions with people throughout life as nice memories or maybe even one of the 'little things' that impact your life, but in reality they are your life. They are the pieces that start to shape the person you are and the person you grow into. I really don't believe we just simply grow on our own, but more often its an unconscious effort of the people in our surroundings and our experiences with them. Unfortunately, most times you cant fully appreciate them until they have passed. Its not coincidence that these people are brought into your life right when you need them, even if you didn't realize you did at the time. Its nothing short of a blessing. I have been truly been blessed by the friends and family who have shared life with me For some reason I never get to live close to my closest friends very long, I'm sure God has a deeper purpose than I can see, when I'm lonely and trying to hold back the tears. I just truly hope that they know the blessings they have brought into my life and continue to every day. I'm excited to meet new people here and really begin our lives in Wilmington, but little pieces of my heart will be with Jen, Liz, Megan, and Kristi.