Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sunday Parties

This past sunday we had our very first party scheduled at Drop Zone Kids! We were super excited. The lady was moving and had all her friends and their kids come to say goodbye and they had a great turn out. We had several people come in that had never been there. We had a couple people fill out paper work and ask about using us soon so we were really happy to get new faces! The business is starting to pick up and we are so excited! We are getting new people calling and stopping by asking about us and new kids almost everyday! I was even told yesterday that a lady found out about us from her husband...in Iraq!? Apparently the wives that have been here skyped with their husbands in iraq and told them how excited they were about us and the husbands were all talking and passed the word around to new familes. Amazing!!!!! We are super blessed so far and cant wait for it to get too busy for me and derek to handle! :)

After the party on sunday, we had our own little party for me. It was nice all of Dereks family came and my grandpa. Kind of an unofficial pre-birthday party since Derek wont be here wednesday for my birthday. :( It was nice to enjoy some of my husbands great cooking again. It has been a while. We all just relaxed and had some great bugers and snacks and hung out! It was lovely!

The twins enjoying some milk and my comfy rug :)

Bernies (i dont smile in pictures face) and Tom

Mollie and Ben-cheesin!


Jordan picked me out a bright pink birthday cake, and they of course wanted to help blow out the candles.

High fives!!!

Derek put the candles on the cake in the shape of 23. He is such a nerd

Pink cake, with so much food coloring everyone had pink teeth, tongues and lips after we ate! Not sure how Jordan got it on her forehead 5 seconds after she got her slice...

Ben <3s cake!

Because a party wouldnt be complete without smearing icing EVERYWHERE!


Betsy and Ed! <3

We had a great time just hanging out with family its always nice to get together! <3

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Kayaking and Fireworks!!!

This weekend was the first weekend we have been able to go somewhere and not worry about the daycare and just have fun! Its our first vacation in a year, even if it was only a day trip. Sunday morning we were closed so Derek, Jordan and I met up with Betsy "Grandma Buntsy", Jack and Robert and went up to Jordan lake for the day to go kayaking! Which was really fun but even more of a workout than I expected!  Before we left for our trip we stopped and had breakfast at Sizzlin' Steak or Eggs, and Daddy taught Jordan how to hang a spoon on her nose!

She was so excited! She has been doing it ever since, everytime she finds a spoon. Look what you started Derek!

Jordan practicing for her audience

Betsy and her "4th son", Robert

We left our little rocky beach, and kayaked out to this little island in the middle of the lake. We decided to call it bird island, because there was about 5000 birds on this one little tiny island.

Derek on 'Bird Island'

Our grunge photo! haha

Jordan loved playing in the lake, probably more than she liked kayaking. She had to ride in my kayak in my lap, she said all the paddling was boring haha.

Enjoying the little beach on "Bird Island"

Our awesome kayaks! Yeahhhhh

Jordan and 'Grandma Buntsy'

Such a fun ride, and a good workout! I definitely need to do it more and work on some upper body strength! The extra 40lbs on my boat didnt help my poor little arms!!

Thought this was a cool picture!

This was the cliff we had to hike down then throw the kayaks down, then hoist them back up with a rope then pull ourselves up with tree roots! It was crazy but so fun! We really had a blast! So happy we got to go, Thanks grandma buntsy, for taking us!!! :)

Then yesterday we drove to Wilmington to see fireworks and to leave our favorite daddy behind for school. He is finishing up a quick little summer class 4 days a week. So monday-thurdsay he is stuck down there without his family, which leaves me and Jordan to handle the daycare alone. We will all be happy when his class is over the end of the month!  

Jordan waiting not so patiently for some Ritas! chocolate ice cream!

Mr. Doby got to go with us for the day which was really nice. He is such a good dog and he loves Jordan so much! He had to walk right next to the stroller the whole time!

Wating on the pier for the fireworks to start!

Jordan was watching all the police boats in the water!

Our pretty little girl!

One of Jordans goofy little smiles, its rare to get a authentic smile out of this girl.

Our little family, (mommy really needs a new camera!)

A lady was nice enough to stop and help us take a picture all together! Even with doby! :)

Doby was fun up until the fireworks started and he FREAKED out!!! He was so scared, we didnt even think about him maybe being afraid of the fireworks so we had to hold him down the whole time because he was having a fit! Needless to say, next year he will have to stay home! :-(

Our view of the fireworks! They were really great! They shot them off right over the Cape Fear river, over top the Battleship NC!

Another year of freedom to be thankful for! So glad I could spend this day with my family in the best country in the world! So thankful for the men and women who protect and defend our freedom! Happy 4th of July!!!