Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grandpa and Nana visit

Yesterday we went to a Home show here in Wilmington, and my parents came down to join us. There was tons of cool stuff. There a lots of neat things out on the market for re-doing your home. It was a pretty fun afternoon. After we poked around for a couple hours we headed out for a nice lunch at a Japenese resturant, where Jordan used chop sticks for the first time. She had so much fun and got rice everywhere!

Giant pool! not sure how they got this in here

Awesome patio!

Funny giant patio heat lamp

I really liked this patio furniture

Jordan ate goldfish

This is a cool sauna you can have in your house. Pretty fancy stuff

Jordan loved this little play house

She really wanted grandpa and nana to get one of these. They had some with water in them and she really wanted to swim haha

Got her blinking but this was her using chop sticks. She got more in her lap than in her mouth lol

Still struggling, but she had fun. Eventually she gave up and finished with a fork. But she thought it was really cool to eat like Kailan off of Nick Jr. (Its like a chinese version of dora). Jordan had a great time hanging out with Nana and Grandpa. That girl is way to spoiled, but at least she isnt lacking any love.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Party Animal!

So, I have been a little bit of a slacker because of my computer problems. But thankfully it is finally working without the threat of viruses! So im having a couple updates in one! Last weekend we went to Southern Pines for Bradleys Woodward's birthday party. Bradley is one of Jordans sweet little friends. His party was at the Fun Gym. She had a blast, she loves gymnastics and she loves playing with bradley. She chased him around the whole time along with a few other little girls. Bradley is her "Prince charming" haha. Hes just too cute. I think im going to have my hands full! haha

Waiting to get on the trampoline

After I tossed her in the foam pit! I think every kid loves this thing!

Daddy and Jordan dove on the foam mat after the balance beam

Teaching Jordan to rock climb, Derek and Jordan love doing this. They are my little monkeys :)

Look at those monkey toes!

The kids were all stretching and gettin ready for gymnastic exercises.

This was after the party, she crashed out!

The next day we went to the zoo. It was a little bit chilly but we still had a great time. The weather must have been great for the animals though because we were able to get some good close up pictures of some of them! It was a great time and the next morning my cavs were killing me! haha We had so much fun though!

Jordan pretending to sleep in a giant goard! They have a funny little vegetable patch play place a the zoo.

My first encounter with a buffalo!!!!! So cool

Cant remember what this was called, but it was pretty cool.

Jordan making her goofy face!

Jordan flying on a bee!

Big gorilla relaxing and posing for the kids.

Another gorilla napping by the water

Sleepy monkey

Dereks favorite part, the baboons!

This chimp was crazy! He put on a show banging the glass and throwing stuff. It was crazy!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Beach Bums

About a week ago Jordan and I went down the beach for a couple hours while the weather was warm. I snapped a few photos while we were there and I wanted to post them. She had a blast, and got soaking wet even though I know that water had to be cold, I couldnt keep her out of it. haha

Running around like crazy

seagull...wish I had a better camera this would have been a really cool picture

She refuses to look at the camera ...this is the best out of four lol


She finally decided to just get in it, had to change her clothes after we left.

Sweet little foot prints in the sand

Jordan thought these guys were really cool. There was at least 30 surfers right by us. Jordan loved to watch them surf, she had so much fun, I had to drag her off the beach. She cant wait til summer she asks me everyday if its summer yet and if she can wear a pretty dress lol. Im glad its finally getting warm enough to enjoy the beach again. I love it!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Be my Valentine!!

   Today was Valentine’s Day, a year ago today Derek asked me to marry him. He is a pretty romantic guy. Last year he had a whole day of surprises for me. He made me a beautiful bouquet of fruit, except way cooler than the ones from edible arrangements. Then dinner and flowers at work and then finally proposing that night! I’m so glad that I have him to spend all my valentines’ days to come with.
  This year we didn’t want to spend a lot of money so we decided, since the weather was great again, we would go on a picnic! So Derek and Jordan planned out everything while I was in class this morning. They made scrumptious little sandwiches with Hawaiian bread (soooo good)!! Little snacks, drinks, and sweet little valentine’s candy. We went to a great little park that had a big grassy area and a creek, and a small play area. We had a great time!! Perfect little afternoon so share our love!

Our picnic on our heart blanket!

Jordans half smile...half the sun is in my eyes lol

My sweet husband...opening the juice :)

Relaxing! So much fun. Jordan was really excited about her lunchable, but when a kid came to the park her attention was stolen from from lunch to friends.

Enjoying my awesome sandwich

Trying to get Jordan to smile with a real smile, I think we got one this time...too bad her eye got cut out of the picture haha

Valentines hugs!

Throwing sticks in the creek

Jordans stick throwing buddy Breez

My corny painting I made for Derek lol

Tulips I got from Derek and Jordan

This is what I got for Jordan and Derek!

My Card from Jordan

The front of Jordans card, so cool! Its shaved crayons melted with an iron!

Mine and Jordans cards for Derek! <3